Book 08a – Ul’Jabbar

The Transitional Book of the Dead called the Book of


Ul'Jabbar The Compeller

Ul’Jabbar The Compeller

This book, the called the book of Ul’Jabbar (or Al’Jabbar) is not numbered. In many of the lists of the 99 names of God, Al’Jabbar is numbered 9 (or 10). Ul’Jabbar is known as the Compeller or the Witness or the Benefactor. Somehow, in the minds of the commentators, that force known as Al’Jabbar manifests with all of those attributes. Can we experience that directly? Can we know something of this magnitude directly? Maybe. For now, we are given hints and pointers. We will take that for our current guidepost.

But, first, let us consider the number of this book. There may be a reason why the author, EJ Gold, chose NOT to number this book, following book 8, as Transitional, rather than as, say 9.

What then is transition? It is a movement from one place to another. It is not the place from which you started, nor is it the place where one winds up. It is the movement between the two distinct places.

First, the context. We are not ‘exactly’ speaking of a place on the map. We are speaking of places across which the voyager moves. You are in one place, and then, you rouse yourself, and notice…”something” has changed. You know you were there, now you know you are here. You have had this experience.

In a dream, you may be walking along a country road, and suddenly, you are at the helm of a speed boat on the ocean. That happens, you, in THAT space, just kind of accept the transition.

But, the curious skill is to start seeing the actual transition. Can you notice? Try noticing what happens to you, electrically, as you move from one room to the next – YOU will go through a doorway. That is the key.

Watch for doorways.

[Read the Transitional book of Ul’Jabbar – you will meet the Divine Conclave(24).]

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