Iain Cameron

End of Life Project  

In my last hours if I could plan them I would want to be in a candlelit room, with a large open fire, flowers and the air filled with camphor and sweet smelling incense.  I would like there to be Swamis or monks chanting relevant texts to the dying process to aid the journey.  An ashram or holy place of some kind is where I would like to pass.

In the room I would like the walls to be adorned with the Guru’s and saints that have inspired me,  Amma, Lee, Mr Gold, Yogi Ramsuratkumar, Ramana Maharshi, RamaKrishna, Neem Karoli Baba, The Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Mahatma Ghandi.  Plus statues of Kali, Ganesh, The Buddha, Jesus, Mary, Quan Yin, Shiva and Krishna.

Inwardly I would hope to well prepared for the journey, at peace, wide awake and without fear.  Leaving knowing that I had done what I could to contribute to the welfare of others to the best of my ability would be important as would evolving as far as I could in this life.

If my sweet heart Dixey out lived me then I would like her to be present.  One or two close friends or family would be nice too.

My sense of humour would like there to be a drum roll just as I am going but as that may not be a good idea in preparation for the journey, may just have to leave that one.

Thoughts on the process of doing this exercise.

When I first read what others had written and then considered the process myself I became aware of how much drama and vanity there is in my own mind around this.   Now that I have just written this, which is about a week after deciding to take part, much of that drama has subsided and it is sobering.

I am scared of dying and saddened to leave some of the delightful people met along the way, but more afraid of entering another realm or new body and suffering as much as this one.  Leaving Dixey if she were still around would be hard.

Iain Cameron Watson

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