Chapter 02

Maze Brightness

When we awaken to a higher learning process, we no longer exhibit confusion and disorientation in the macro dimensions. Through special internal processes which we can learn, we are able to penetrate far beyond the ordinary spectrum, into the macrodimensions, resembling consensus reality in form, but radically different in other ways, perceivable only with long, difficult training of the non-machine attention.

Thus opens chapter 2 of Life in the Labyrinth by E.J. Gold.

On page 10 (new edition) the author speaks of a “special learning process” which can be learned. Is that how we begin to solve the above conundrum? How can we in this lifetime learn to voyage into a non-human dimension? Is it possible for us to do so? Or, do we continue to read about it from others in poetic offerings and hints of stories and myths from long ago? Always long ago, always inaccessible.

But, the way is difficult, and in some ways, it is impossible. It is NOT fast. There is no silver bullet such that suddenly we are there. (We will leave the discussion of “in the blink of an eye” to the class and to comments that may be entered below.)

First, we are asked to “recognize the inescapable fact that … (we) are in a maze.” What is that maze? We spoke of the constraints of that maze, in our discussions surrounding Chapter 1. The constraints areĀ  imposed by our constant pull, stronger than any magnet, back into the familiar. Back into our comfort zone. When we step into the world of the macrodimensions, we are pursued by the “all-devouring jaws of primate convention.”

But, how do we proceed? The answer is simple, yet its attainment is nearly impossible. But, that sliver of “nearly” offers us hope. We must practice spending time in the Un-Worldly spectrum of the macrodimension. Be careful, it is not on its surface [N.B.], much different looking than regular life.

This part is not easy to swallow.

Each of us has learned something. Some craft, some skill in music, a physical sport, painting, dancing say, or, expertise in business or sales or a form of retail, maybe it is medicine – we are doctors or chiropractors. Maybe we have learned to play an online game really well, we can make that nearly impossible jump from the ledge over the lava to the next level.

Focus now – let your attention drift toward that skill set. How did you learn it? Do you recall your learning phase? Do you remember how impossible it was to change cords from a simple C to that pesky F ? … and then, you could do it. You play tennis, and your serve never goes in, and after a thousand times, it is strong accurate and potent.

That moment – the leap – that is maze brightness. Can you envision it now? Yes, I thought so. Now, step forward and see it in the world we are speaking of. Maybe we are pursuing this course of study to become a bit more capable in these waters of the macrodimension.

We don’t know if we are called froth so, but, we won’t know until we can see over the wall into the field beyond. Are you attracted to that field?

We shall see.

Audio Recording Class 02_02_08_2012

The log from the class can be found here.

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