Book 12 – Ul’Wahhab

The Twelfth Book of the Dead called the Book of

Ul’ Wahhab

The Bestower of Manna

The Bestower of Manna

[1] “I am He who gives without thought of compensation or selfish interest. Only I who need nothing can give without limit in this way.”

Ul’Wahhab is he who can bestow. We are glancing at the various aspects of the Absolute. This Book 12 highlights the aspect of Giving. Here a gift is given with no wish of return. Can you sense the magnitude of this form of Giving.

Can there be true altruism? It is very rare. This aspect of the Godhead demonstrates this attribute. Consider your position. Can you give a gift of time or goods or money – without the slightest need or wish for recompense? Very hard.

A gift given is a gift completed.

There is no quid pro quo. Nothing is wished for in exchange the gift. You make a gift, a gift  is made and YOU are  complete. You do not wish for a “like-kind” gift later, you do not even wish for your reward in heaven.

Thus through this aspect of God we are given a gift freely. There is NO need for return. Each is given a spark of Divinity. There is no receipt that goes with it. No bill to pay, it was given freely.

Can we accept such a gift?

Class 43 – 02-03-2015


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