The Human Biological Machine as a Transformation Apparatus (HBM) by E.J. Gold will be studied on these pages. You can get a copy of the book here.


The literature and teachings of spiritual development are legion. Ever since men and women began to write there was commentary on how to develop the soul. How do we become better people? How do we live our lives in a more appropriate manner?

Beginning with Socrates and his invitation to “Know Thyself” we began to wonder what does that actually mean?

Out of the plethora of spiritual literature has grown a body of literature associated with cleansing and disciplining the body, the Way of the Faqir. Here the aspirant develops a mastery of attention to accomplish extraordinary control over the body.

Another form of discipline has centered around the Way of the Monk. Here the seeker works with a sensing of the attention to develop and control the emotions and develop control over the energy produced therein. This path works with prayers and mantras and has produced genius’ like Teresa of Avila and the rich literature surrounding the Philokalia and the prayer of the heart.

Then growing out of intense study of the writings of the saints is the practice and development of the mental centrum. Here the seeker is working with their mental habits and tendencies. These workers are said to be on the Path of the Yogi.

The Fourth Way presents us with a different path altogether. It was first introduced by G.I. Gurdjieff many years ago in a series of his writings and his establishment of a number of schools.

With HBM, EJ Gold takes the existing Fourth Way material and adds an extraordinary layer of principals for us the seeker on this path of the Fourth Way. This path works in the World, but, we gradually understand that we had taken a sudden tack away from the standards of mankind, we begin to see that we are “In the World, but, not of the World.”

What we will discover in our work with HBM is the concept that we are in fact an electrical body. We are not simply the flesh and bones we carry around, but rather an electrical envelope. When I first read this material 25 years ago, I paused. I realized that I had read something new. Here was a new approach to Who Am I.

Join us for our weekly classes exploring this fundamentally new concept of how to know ourselves.

We meet Wednesday nights at 7:00PM PST. The first class in this series is being held on Wednesday, October 20, 2010. You can join by coming to our live feed of the class here:


Or, you can call and participate on our phone conference line at:

1 (218) 862-3987  – – – 20109999# (access code)

See ya there.

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