Chapter 07

The Mystic Vision

The veil is not in the mind, but in the heart, Only the heart will lift the veil. When this happens, when we have softened and ripened, we will find ourselves to be at the very Heart of the Labyrinth, for which we have longed all our lives.

In this chapter we begin to enter dangerous waters. Or, at least uncertain waters. I am not sure I like the fear imposed by saying “dangerous.” But, nevertheless, this territory is uncertain. We are asking our Self to enter into a forest whereby we do not know the path. We may not even see a path. Yet, from time to time we see others there, wood elves, as it were, who do travel there. There are those for whom, these woods are homelike.

There are several critical concepts introduced in this chapter 7, this Mystic vision. One to contemplate is that we can and will ascertain for ourselves that we cannot go where we are not already. (page 59, paragraph 1, new edition.)

Thus, “we” are already there. Wait, how could that be? If I am already there, then, why am I seeking, what then is the path? First and foremost we must start to consider our viewpoints in a different manner. By this, I mean, our vision is not like our view in the material world, rather place is dimensional, not locational. More about that later.

Then, EJ Gold introduces us to the concept that we are held in our present place, by the limitations of our temporal vision. We are stuck with “seeing” in the material world. As long as we hold to that form of vision, we will remain in this world. We do create our own world. We are held in place by our mortal coil. How to loose our eyes from the narrow scope of this tiny world?

The author suggests that we can access these higher vision states by an opening of our heart. As the Heart opens, we are introduced to the Higher Emotional centrum. We will begin to sense and feel a new set of feelings. They truly are an expression of love. This love has no true resemblance to worldly love, but is borne of a higher radiation.

Here then is the rub. As we enter the place of the higher dimension, our true home. We long to be there, back to our true nature. While there, we will experience a radiation. That radiation will enhance and strengthen the essential self. As the same time, the machine conditioning is not at home here. There is a burning off of that baggage of conditioning. That is not pleasant.

As we enter the presence of the Heart of the Labyrinth we find the we are also experiencing the pain of these cleansing radiations, we are soaked in this fire of a new life. Can we stay there, knowing that through this cleansing we are freed? Can we get to a point, where, we start to understand the meaning of:

The Secret is not Minding the Pain.

Audio File Chapter 07_05_02_2012_Part 1

The log from class can be found here.

Audion File Chapter 07_05_09_2012_Part 2

The log from the class can be found here.

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