Chapter 07

Pity for the Absolute

An evolved human being is hungry to fulfill his obligations toward the Absolute. if we feel genuine pity for the Absolute, we have have the beginning of real conscience. Real conscience is the beginning of real work.

We will start from where we are. We are at exactly the right place to start the next part of our journey. And the timing could not be better. For, now is that time to start. We look around and ask, what then is that next step?

We have heard about a Great Obligation. We are told that the taking of that obligation has something to do with taking on the Suffering of the Absolute. But, what is that Suffering. Certainly it is something different from suffering caused by worldly loss, unfilled personal hungers and desires? What then lies at the heart of that concept?

Can we discover a solid step upon which to stand, called “Taking on the Suffering of the Absolute?” Is there a small way in which we can hold that in our hearts? Is there a fertile ground within where this can grow?


Summary of Chapter 7

As we have worked together through the previous chapters of the book, an emerging Presence– with a distinct sensory signature and vibrational frequency– has begun to build momentum, giving us additional glimpses of a new way of living in the world. Of course, we still find ourselves caught in the snares of the biological machine and make our usual blunders, but nonetheless something important has changed. Our efforts have quickened and harmonized the energies of the three lower centrums to a degree sufficient to receive the influences of the Higher Emotional Centre, and to give us our first taste of real emotion. Conscience is born, along with the startling perception of a suffering far greater than our own.  We find ourselves holding the Absolute in our arms like a child, the ultimate paradox that stands our notion of love on its head. We are told that we somehow serve the Absolute by serving the development of our Essential Selves, by the growth of our Being into a vessel for the Soul. But how do we do this, and of what value could it be to the Absolute?

The author tells us that we can first take the baby step of understanding the suffering of the teacher, which is miniscule compared to the suffering of the Absolute. When we come to understand that this suffering is Everlasting, we begin to feel pity for the plight of the Absolute, crucified on the Cross of Creation with no hope of release, the only help coming from “…someone who is able to assume the burden of obligation to perfect his or her Life Everlasting by the process of Eternal Conscious Return for the sake of the Work.. (p.58).” This obligation is the turning point in our journey, when we acknowledge that our only real choice in life is either to serve consciously, or to serve unconsciously. Nothing else can be changed. When faced with the immensity of this Obligation, our sense of complete nothingness can be overwhelming; yet even this is useful, as it humbles the machine, allowing the two natures that constitute our Being to more easily reunite.  Fortunately, in the words of David Whyte,” What disturbs and then nourishes has everything we need.”

This chapter goes into considerable detail in describing suffering and differentiating between the suffering of ordinary man and suffering from the perspective of the Work, the experience of suffering in the higher worlds when the heart is awakened.  Both heightened consciousness and an awareness of Work suffering are needed for us to be of real help to the Absolute.

The chapter distinguishes between pain in the ordinary sense and suffering for the benefit of the Absolute. Most humans are caught up in the drama of their everyday lives and it appears that they rarely look beyond their individual needs. We easily fall prey to the pain and disappointment of day to day living, and fail to notice that the suffering we experience in the Essential Self does not produce pain in the usual sense. We see that we are required to look beyond our organic machines to recognize that there is more to reality than our immediate world.  At this point a greater awareness begins to penetrate our consciousness; we are given a glimpse of suffering beyond our own, and experience our first taste of Pity for the Absolute.

It is through this Pity that our hearts are opened. Accompanying this opening is a vulnerability that most humans rarely experience, due to their ego’s dominion over their lives. With opened hearts and expanded awareness we see with amazement our unity with our fellow voyagers, and find our place in the Work.

Harry & Lupe


We will, and must learn to distinguish between ordinary suffering, ordinary hungers and a true and objective sense of the Suffering of the Absolute. Ready to give it a shot?

Audio File Chapter 07_Part 01 12_19_12

The log from Part One of the Class can be found here.

Audio File for Chapter 07_Part 02 12_26_12

The log from Part Two of the Class can be found here.

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