Book 20 – Ul-Basir

The Twentieth Book of the Dead called the Book of


Divine Knowledge

Divine Knowledge

(Please read the Twentieth Book of the Dead in its entirety)

[1] “I am He who sees not through theĀ  eyes but through Divine Knowledge alone. There is no limit to my seeing and no sight which escapes my Divine Eye.”

In this and in the previous book of the deadĀ  – called the book of As-Saami – we are introduced to complete and divine perception. All that is heard and now all that can be seen.

ALL IS PERCEIVED. All our actions are recorded in our present canvas of existence. All the petty jealousies and ego plays, and also all the heroic acts that have quietly played out. (see the movie – “Defending Your Life”). This process is not one of judgement, but rather one of an objective recording of what has occurred. That canvas can be altered or changed – but, we must participate in that process.

There are many agents of change, they come from our Self at work. There are manuals of change we can work with – The Human Biological Machine as a Transformational Apparatus by EJ Gold – is one of the critical starting points. Or, The Invocation of Presence by EJ Gold (which we will be covering soon). By the concerted effort of a well directed attention, the canvas can begin to change.

[12] “And if your consciousness is concentrated upon the nature of the form of the guide of the world of transit and upon the Teaching, liberation can be attained even now although all opportunity seems to have been lost.”

So, get out the canvas, put your brushes out, arrange your pigments, begin anew. (Don’t forget the bright colors – they are part of the voyage as well.)

Class 57 – 05-11-2016


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