Book 10 – Ul’Ghaffar

The Tenth Book of the Dead called the Book of


The All Forgiving

The All Forgiving

“I am he who unveils that which is noble and veils that which is disgraceful.” [1]

It is not often that we consider the concept of Nobility. But, that is what is exhibited in this aspect of God. The Noble. What would happen during your day, if you carried that concept about all day long. Maybe even for weeks on end. What would you see?

You would first look about trying to understand what nobility actually might be. You will recall notions of nobility that you have heard about, you might remember someone saying that such and so was a noble act. If you would but persist in your inquiry a sense of nobility would begin to emerge for you. You would “sense” the nobility in momentary actions.

One mechanism that might arise is a sense of better and worse. You might think that you are unworthy, that you are not a noble being. Then, when you do a noble act, you sore on the wings of pride. But, gradually, you will see that the Noble offer forgiveness on the path. Thus, Ul’Ghaffar is also known as the All Forgiving.
How does one ask for forgiveness? It is said that if one truly asks, that Ul’Ghaffar will forgive each time the aspirant asks for such forgiveness.

Can you Ask for Forgiveness? Can you Accept Forgiveness?

Class 43 – 01-20-2015

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